HRA: How we work for you

The Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) is the only body that looks after the interests of all ratepayers in our beautiful town If you have a property in Hermanus you pay rates every month to the Overstrand Municipality. Have you any idea how and where this money is being spent? Are you aware of the municipal […]

The Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) is the only body that looks after the interests of all ratepayers in our beautiful town

If you have a property in Hermanus you pay rates every month to the Overstrand Municipality. Have you any idea how and where this money is being spent?

Are you aware of the municipal projects that receive priority every year and do you know how these are determined?

Who is looking after your interests and those of your fellow ratepayers?

The HRA does! Amongst many other things the HRA …

  • questions any suspected unauthorised spending
  • monitors applications for re-zonings and other land use changes
  • helps to ensure that ratepayers’ requests, complaints and queries sent to the Municipal Council are dealt with timeously and expediently
  • is represented on various local bodies such as the
    • Municipality’s Ward 3 Committee;
    • Hermanus Tourism;
    • Hermanus Community Police Forum (CPF);
    • Klein River Estuary Forum (KREF); and the
    • Hermanus Baboon Action Group.

Finally, the HRA actively participates in the annual Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Budget process of the Municipality. This allows us all to keep an eye on municipal expenditure.

If you invest money in a company quoted on the stock exchange you can demand to know as a shareholder that your money is being used correctly. The same applies to the HRA. It is the only body that looks after the interests of all ratepayers

Overstrand Municipality is rated as one of the best in South Africa. Let’s keep it high on the charts. Let’s ensure that it continues to perform well. That’s the job of the HRA.

Become part of us: the more members we have the more effective we will be!

Also read: 5 Reasons to join the Hermanus Ratepayers Association.

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