REPORT: Dog Walking Survey

This survey was conducted by the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) to ascertain the views of ratepayers on the walking of dogs in the greater Hermanus and surrounds. The HRA EXCO initiated its survey on the 3rd of December 2024 (Survey ended 31 January 2025) with the view of gauging the views of residents on dog walking in response to significant queries on where dogs could be walked off-leash and the implications of the new cat and dog bylaw.


This survey was conducted by the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) to ascertain the views of ratepayers on the walking of dogs in the greater Hermanus and surrounds.

The HRA EXCO initiated its survey on the 3rd of December 2024 (Survey ended 31 January 2025) with the view of gauging the views of residents on dog walking in response to significant queries on where dogs could be walked off-leash and the implications of the new cat and dog bylaw.

Although the bylaw is being regarded as flawed in some circles, this specific initiative is seeking to specifically clarify and understand the section which enables the provision of demarcated spaces in which dogs can be exercised off-leach.

The aim being to support and accelerate the Municipal process of identifying such areas and ensuring a sustainable rollout of the initiative across the Overstrand. 


It came to the HRA’s attention that dogs are currently not permitted to be off leash on any section of Grotto beach. We understand that this is in accordance with the new bylaw.

In terms of section 6 dogs are no longer allowed to run free on any section of a beach (Refer “Amendment by-law relating to the keeping of dogs and cats, 19 September 2024”).

The by-law does provide “Off leash zones for dogs” in section 8, but currently it is understood that there are no formally demarked zones. In this context the previous provision for dogs to run free on the Eastern section of Grotto is no longer permitted.

We understand that this was in terms of a pilot project that has been curtailed, hence the signage was removed. 

It is understood that the pilot project was fully researched, involving a broad spectrum of experts to ensure that there was minimal disturbance to the fauna and flora, most importantly nest birds. The beach had a zoning system as follows:

  • GREEN zone (off-leash), 
  • ORANGE zone (on-leash) 
  • RED zone (no dogs)

This zoning approach was aimed at accommodating both people and dog needs, while also protecting the shore life and diversity. It is understood that the “trial” was regarded as a success, so it is unclear why it was not formally adopted in terms of the bylaw regulations.

There is currently only consideration being given to provide for a fenced dog park in Northcliff (Between Impala Street and Acacia Avenue).

It is noted that section 8 of the bylaw makes provision for specific areas to be demarcated for dog walking, including off-leash.


The method followed was to apply a simple survey instrument to directly test the resident views on key determinants. Most of the survey being structured to ensure concise responses based on binary choices.

There were some open-ended questions to provide opportunity for ratepayers to express and/or expand on their views on dog walking related matters.


The key survey findings are listed in the bullets below. A more detailed presentation of the results is attached. 

  • 654 Hermanus residents completed the survey
  • Of those, 56% were aware and 44% unaware of the Dog & Cat by-law
  • 88% were dog owners
  • 50% had a single dog and a further 41% had 2 dogs
  • Over 50% walked their dog daily, with a further 22% more than once a day
  • Only 37% claimed to walk their dog on a leash always and a further 30% mostly
  • The street and the beach were equal first choices, for walking their dogs, at 70%
  • 91% support the idea of Grotto beach at the lagoon as a demarcated area for off-leash dogs
  • Only 9% are aware of the proposed Northcliff fenced dog park
  • And only 43% would take their dog there


The key conclusions of the survey are summarised in the bullets below:

  • Dog owners: 
    • Unanimous (all 572) in their support for demarcated, off-leash areas for dogs:
  • Support for a demarcated off-leash area at the lagoon mouth, stretching Easterly along the beach
  • Non-dog owners:
    • Inconsiderate dog owners not picking up and disposing of their dogs’ excrement appropriately
    • Lack of control of dogs on and off-leashes
  • Dog parks: 
    • Wide variety of suggestions for demarcated areas for dog parks
    • Concerns that dedicated, fenced-off dog park areas are:
      • Too restrictive for larger and active dog breeds
      • Expensive to establish and maintain
      • Would generally only be used by owners with small and/or old dogs that reside in the immediate vicinity of the dog park 

In addition, the following points were highlighted in the general comments:

  • Time periods for dogs off-leash could also be considered, for example, a period for dogs off-leash from 06h00 to 09h00 every day.
  • The lack of compliance to picking up dog excrement and the lack of strict enforcement measures to control irresponsible dog owners. 
  • Fee based access, through a permit system, to private and/or designated areas such as the school and sports ground fields. 
  • Off-leash dog walking zones should be provided across the greater Overstand.


The HRA herby recommends that the Overstrand Municipality undertake the following:

  1. Re-activate the Grotto beach pilot zoning approach (zone for no dogs, dogs on leash and off-leash). This specifically to include a large permanent demarcated zone for off-leash walking. 
  2. Erect appropriate signage – zoning area on a map, boards indicating start and end of zoning and notices for picking up and removing dog excrement.
  3. Introduce a heavy fining system for owners not complying with the bylaw in conjunction with an awareness campaign, emphasising responsible dog ownership.
  4. Explore further dog parks in conjunction with the local communities, at a suburb level where there is sufficient interest and plan in concert with the immediate community. 

This approach to providing off-leash dog walking areas and or dog parks must be considered for rollout into all areas of the Overstrand.


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