Our Executive Committee (EXCO) is comprised of dedicated individuals with diverse expertise, all committed to serving the Hermanus community.

The team is organized into specific portfolios including Local Economic Development, Communications, Infrastructure Services, Safety and Security, Conservation and Environment, Land Use and Development, Heritage and Aesthetics, and Technology and Information Systems.

Each portfolio focuses on key areas that impact the well-being of our community, ensuring comprehensive oversight and proactive engagement.
Our Executive Committee (EXCO) is comprised of dedicated individuals with diverse expertise, all committed to serving the Hermanus community.

The team is organized into specific portfolios including Local Economic Development, Communications, Infrastructure Services, Safety and Security, Conservation and Environment, Land Use and Development, Heritage and Aesthetics, and Technology and Information Systems.

Each portfolio focuses on key areas that impact the well-being of our community, ensuring comprehensive oversight and proactive engagement.




Ken Briggs

Ken is the Chairman of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA). He holds postgraduate degrees in sciences and economics, including a B.Sc. Hons. (Stellenbosch) and an M.Sc. in Development Economics (Oxford).

With 35 years of experience as an economist specialising in enterprise and economic development, Ken began his career with the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) and later joined Deloitte and Touche, gaining expertise in business transformation and turnaround. He has led a consulting firm for 28 years, focusing on public sector transformation and economic development across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ken has relocated permanently to Hermanus, where his family has resided for three generations. He enjoys outdoor life and is passionate about preserving the fynbos environment of the Western Cape.
View Portfolio: Local Economic Development

Russel Schierhout

Russel retired to Hermanus Heights in December 2017 after a 36-year corporate career with Standard Bank and BHP Billiton Limited, specialising in banking and treasury. He became involved in community matters as a founder committee member of the Hermanus Heights Village Association (HHVA) in 2019 and currently manages the HHVA and HRA WhatsApp groups.
View Portfolio: Communications

Deon de Kock

Deon retired after 35 years in the military, specialising in Military Management. Since moving to Hermanus in 2018, he has been active in community service, currently serving as the Chairperson of the Westcliff Residents Association (WRA) and representing the community on the Westcliff Ward 4 Committee. Deon also contributes to the Hermanus Public Protection (HPP) Board on safety-related issues. His primary goal as an EXCO Member of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) is to maintain Hermanus's beauty for all residents.
View Portfolio: Safety and Security

Tobie Louw

Tobie is a professional engineer with 43 years of experience, specialised in major urban infrastructure and bulk water infrastructure. He led the water business for Aurecon in South Africa and Australia. After retiring, Tobie and his wife settled in the Fernkloof neighbourhood of Hermanus, where he actively participates in community initiatives, including the conservation of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. He has previously served as the financial director for HPP.
View Portfolio: Infrastructure Services View Portfolio: Conservation and Environment

Ian Paterson

Ian is the Managing Partner of the SMC.group and a partner in FutureFit, specialising in strategy facilitation, strategic change, and organisational development. He has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors in South Africa, Europe, and the USA. Ian holds a Bachelor of Social Science (UCT), a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (Wits Business School), and a Certificate in Organisation Design (University of Southern California). He is dedicated to building thriving, inclusive communities and has been a permanent resident of Voëlklip since the beginning of the year.
View Portfolio: Heritage


Ken Briggs

Ken is the Chairman of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA). He holds postgraduate degrees in sciences and economics, including a B.Sc. Hons. (Stellenbosch) and an M.Sc. in Development Economics (Oxford).

With 35 years of experience as an economist specialising in enterprise and economic development, Ken began his career with the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) and later joined Deloitte and Touche, gaining expertise in business transformation and turnaround. He has led a consulting firm for 28 years, focusing on public sector transformation and economic development across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Ken has relocated permanently to Hermanus, where his family has resided for three generations. He enjoys outdoor life and is passionate about preserving the fynbos environment of the Western Cape.
View Portfolio: Local Economic Development

Russel Schierhout

Russel retired to Hermanus Heights in December 2017 after a 36-year corporate career with Standard Bank and BHP Billiton Limited, specialising in banking and treasury. He became involved in community matters as a founder committee member of the Hermanus Heights Village Association (HHVA) in 2019 and currently manages the HHVA and HRA WhatsApp groups.
View Portfolio: Communications

Deon de Kock

Deon retired after 35 years in the military, specialising in Military Management. Since moving to Hermanus in 2018, he has been active in community service, currently serving as the Chairperson of the Westcliff Residents Association (WRA) and representing the community on the Westcliff Ward 4 Committee. Deon also contributes to the Hermanus Public Protection (HPP) Board on safety-related issues. His primary goal as an EXCO Member of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) is to maintain Hermanus's beauty for all residents.
View Portfolio: Safety and Security

Tobie Louw

Tobie is a professional engineer with 43 years of experience, specialised in major urban infrastructure and bulk water infrastructure. He led the water business for Aurecon in South Africa and Australia. After retiring, Tobie and his wife settled in the Fernkloof neighbourhood of Hermanus, where he actively participates in community initiatives, including the conservation of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. He has previously served as the financial director for HPP.
View Portfolio: Infrastructure Services View Portfolio: Conservation and Environment

Ian Paterson

Ian is the Managing Partner of the SMC.group and a partner in FutureFit, specialising in strategy facilitation, strategic change, and organisational development. He has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors in South Africa, Europe, and the USA. Ian holds a Bachelor of Social Science (UCT), a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (Wits Business School), and a Certificate in Organisation Design (University of Southern California). He is dedicated to building thriving, inclusive communities and has been a permanent resident of Voëlklip since the beginning of the year.
View Portfolio: Heritage


Local Economic Development

The Local Economic Development Portfolio focuses on fostering economic growth in Hermanus to create job opportunities and improve the quality of life for the community. This involves supporting business development in a manner that benefits municipal services without compromising the
natural environment.

Portfolio lead: Ken Briggs

I aim to explore opportunities to encourage and support appropriate local economic development in Hermanus. I plan to play a strategic oversight and partnership role, supporting the Municipality, Development Agencies, the Business Chamber, NGOs, and others to ensure that appropriate business development is encouraged and that we address the challenges of our marginalised communities.


The Communications Portfolio ensures that the Hermanus Ward 3 and part of Ward 4 community receives accurate and verified information, combating misinformation and fostering an informed and engaged ratepayer community.

Portfolio lead: Russel Schierhout

My immediate goal within the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) is the growth of our membership database, encouraging enthusiastic public participation in community matters by communicating the purpose and functions of the HRA and the mechanisms of the Ward Committee system, the ratepayers' direct voice into local government.

Infrastructure Services

The Infrastructure Services Portfolio addresses the development and maintenance of infrastructure in Hermanus, ensuring it keeps pace with urban growth and meets the needs of the community.

Portfolio lead: Tobie Louw

It is my objective to maintain a close relationship with the relevant directorate at Overstrand Municipality and to ensure that the ratepayers are regularly informed about developments pertaining to these infrastructure aspects. I will also undertake to present sensible community-generated infrastructure proposals to Overstrand Municipality.

Safety & Security

The Safety and Security Portfolio monitors all matters related to public safety in Hermanus, ensuring that ratepayers are well-informed and that safety measures are effectively managed and communicated.

Portfolio lead: Deon de Kock

My objective is to ensure that the ratepayers are aware and regularly informed on all matters of public safety and security. This will be achieved by close liaison with the SAPS, local law enforcement, traffic and fire departments, the Hermanus Public Protection (HPP), and local security and neighbourhood watch organisations.

Conservation and Environment

The Conservation and Environment Portfolio aims to preserve the natural beauty and unique character of Hermanus, ensuring sustainable development that respects environmental and aesthetic values.

Portfolio lead: Tobie Louw

Land Use and Development

The Land Use and Development Portfolio oversees compliance with building regulations and urban planning guidelines, ensuring that growth in Hermanus is orderly and sustainable.

Portfolio vacant

Public Relations

The Public Relations Portfolio aims to increase awareness of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association's activities and decisions, thereby fostering greater community engagement and membership growth.

Portfolio vacant

Heritage and Aesthetics

The Heritage and Aesthetics Portfolio focuses on preserving the unique character and historical aspects of Hermanus, ensuring that development respects the town's cultural and architectural heritage.

Portfolio lead: Ian Patterson

The portfolio focus will be to engage the OM and developers to maintain, conserve, and enhance the unique Hermanus vernacular and aesthetics, both architectural and social, including the diverse communities that make up our town.

Technology and Information Systems

This portfolio’s primary function will be to provide technological back-office support to the HRA in terms of its communications and administrative functions. Additionally, it will monitor technological and systems requirements within the OM to ensure appropriate and efficient application, particularly pertaining to interfaces with the ratepayers.

Portfolio lead: Francois Huysamen (Cetaya Digital)

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