VOICE YOUR CONCERN BY AUGUST 19 An application for rezoning the property on the corner of 7th Street and 17th Avenue constitutes a deviation from the original title deed as well as representing “business creep” into what is a residential suburb. Comment is due by Friday 19th of August. A physiotherapist practice has until recently […]
An application for rezoning the property on the corner of 7th Street and 17th Avenue constitutes a deviation from the original title deed as well as representing “business creep” into what is a residential suburb. Comment is due by Friday 19th of August.
A physiotherapist practice has until recently operated as a home business from what is essentially a residence. The physiotherapy practice has ceased to operate from the premises, however. To open up new business opportunities, the business owner wants to remove the restrictive title deed so that it can change from a “Residential Zone: Single Residential (SR1)” to a Business Zone: Local Business (B3)” .
Changing zoning from residential to business signals a warning that the character of a suburb may change.
Extracted from: 02 Schedule 2 of By-law Overstrand Municipality Land Use Scheme 2020:
Use of the property
7.2.1 The following use restrictions apply to property in this zone:
a) Primary uses are: shops, dwelling unit (above ground floor) in accordance with 6.3.2, flats (above ground floor), offices, restaurant, caretaker’s accommodation and self-catering.
b) Consent uses are: bottle store, business premises, clinic, conference facility, dwelling unit (on ground floor) in accordance with 6.3.2, flats (on ground floor), town housing in accordance with 6.3.2, tourist accommodation, hotel, institution, place of assembly, place of entertainment, place of instruction, place of worship, recreational facilities, residential building, sale of alcoholic beverages, service station, service trade and transmission apparatus (subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.10).
If you feel that this application should be opposed, please lodge a complaint in writing with the Municipality at 16 Paterson Street. Email: alida@overstrand.gov.za. Quote your name, address, and contact details. All telephonic enquiries to be directed to the Town Planner Mr P Roux at 028 313 8900 please.
If you know a town planner consult with him/her to lodge the correct type of objection. Phrasing your concerns correctly may add to the effectiveness of your argument.
Below you will find the detailed application and its motivation. Please read it carefully.